Blog Archive
A buried penis is a health condition that develops when skin and fat obscures your penis, making it appear smaller than it actually is. In most cases, the penis is still typical in size and function, but the skin and fat from your scrotal or pubic area just makes it...
Prostate cancer is common. It occurs in your prostate — a walnut-sized gland that produces the fluid responsible for nourishing and transporting semen. In many cases, the cancer is slow-growing and contained within the prostate, making treatment easier and your prognosis better. This gland surrounds your urethra — the tube...
Your bladder stores urine until you need to release it. The average adult pees about 6-8 times a day, and you should be able to do whatever you want when you want between bathroom breaks without worry of leaking urine. However, if you have urinary incontinence, it means something is...
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common sex-related issue that men report to their doctors, and it affects approximately 30 million men in the United States. While it most often affects men as they age, younger men certainly aren’t exempt from experiencing it. When you have ED, it means you...
Peyronie’s disease is a condition that causes fibrous scar tissue to build up deep under the skin of your penis, leading to pain and changes in the size and shape of your penis when it’s erect. Inside your penis, there are three tubes. The main job of your penis is...
Living with Peyronie's disease can be challenging, impacting not only physical health but also emotional well-being. The curvature, pain, and potential difficulties with erections can significantly affect a man's quality of life. However, there is hope in the form of Xiaflex, an FDA-approved treatment specifically designed to target the symptoms...
Dr. Chung was Recognized as a Center of Excellence for the AMS 700™ Inflatable Penile Prosthesis (IPP) by Boston Scientific. The Center of Excellence designation recognizes achievement of program requirements, including experience with implanting the AMS 700 and commitment to continuously educating patients and the community about ED and available...
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition affecting many men, particularly those who have undergone treatments for conditions such as prostate cancer. While there are several treatment options available, one of the most effective ones for severe ED is the use of penile implants. This blog will explore how these...
Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine, is a condition that can significantly impact a person's quality of life. It is a common issue, particularly among men who have undergone prostate cancer treatment. When other treatments have not been successful, an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) can provide an effective...
Dr. Paul Chung has extensive experience in helping men who have stress urinary incontinence (SUI) after prostate cancer therapy. Here’s what you need to know. Understanding the Link The prostate gland is intimately connected to the urinary system, positioned at the base of the bladder, where the urethra (the tube...
Dr. Paul Chung has extensive experience in helping men who have erectile dysfunction (ED) after prostate cancer therapy. Here’s what you need to know. Prostate cancer is a significant health concern that affects millions of men worldwide. Due to the advancements in medical science, survival rates have improved significantly. However, life after...
Dr. Paul Chung will be one of the first and only one of 10 urologists in the nation to participate in the initial limited market release of the TENACIO™ Pump which received FDA approval November 2023. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that can significantly impact a man's quality of...
The medical word for a penile implant is a penile prosthesis. Merriam Webster defines prosthesis as “an artificial device to replace or augment a missing or impaired part of the body.” If you’re unable to get or maintain an erection, a penile implant could be the right solution for you. ...
A urethral stricture is scar tissue inside your urethra, the tube that carries urine from your bladder to the tip of your penis so it can exit your body. Strictures can occur anywhere along the urethra. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr. Paul Chung treats urethral stricture disease and offers approaches that allow you to fully...
Buried penis isn’t a common condition, but if you’re dealing with it, you know that it can disrupt your life in numerous ways. The causes of buried penis vary, and it’s important for your treatment plan to be tailored to your specific situation for it to be most effective. Dr....
Urethral strictures are relatively common, and result in around 5000 hospitalizations per year, plus many more outpatient office visits and treatments. Some men who have urethral stricture disease undergo repeated treatments and may feel as if they will always struggle with difficult urinary tract problems. Dr. Paul Chung is a...
At one time, many experts thought that most cases of erectile dysfunction (ED) were related to psychological factors. Now, researchers have discovered that ED can be a signal that you may have some serious physical issues. And, though ED isn’t always caused by psychological factors, it often has both a...
Although around one in one hundred men over the age of 18 in the United States has been diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease, experts think that the number of men with the condition may be much higher, and could be as many as one in ten. Peyronie’s disease causes a painful bend in...
Your urethra is a tube-like vessel that carries urine from your bladder to outside your body. Injury to the tissue lining your urethra can result in a stricture. Urethral strictures are fairly common in men, and can occur in women as well, but much more rarely. Dr. Paul Chung is an expert...
Men are less likely to experience urinary incontinence compared to women and also less likely to seek treatment. In fact, only one in five men with symptoms talks to their doctor about it, even though it’s a very treatable problem. Dr. Paul Chung and his staff have a great deal...
Buried penis, when your penis is normal in size and function but is hidden by swollen skin or folds of fat, can be uncomfortable, lead to complications, and cause psychological harm. Dr. Paul Chung and his talented team can help. He has written extensively about the condition and understands the...
Peyronie’s disease is far more common than most people realize, affecting as many as one in 11 men. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes it, although minor trauma and genetics may play a significant role. Dr. Paul Chung, with two offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers several treatments for Peyronie’s disease....
If you need a penile implant because other treatments haven’t worked well to cure your erectile dysfunction, you had an implant in the past that didn’t work properly, or for some other reason, you may be hesitant because you’ve heard some common myths. Dr. Paul Chung is a highly trained...
Erectile dysfunction, the inability to get an erection or to keep one that is firm enough for sex for long enough to reach ejaculation, is a relatively common issue that becomes more common with age. Treatments are available, though most people are only familiar with one—medications such as Viagra. Dr....
Urethral stricture is a fairly common men’s health problem that has been documented since ancient times. Unfortunately, the treatments for it don’t always prevent recurrence, for what can become a debilitating condition. Dr. Paul Chung, an expert in men’s health issues, has offered the two most common treatments for urethral stricture, urethral dilation...
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, as many as one in 11 men have Peyronie’s disease, making it a relatively common problem. Even so, many patients don’t understand what it is or what happens when you have it. Dr. Paul Chung and his staff have the knowledge and skills to effectively treat Peyronie’s...
Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine, can be a difficult issue. You may find yourself unwilling to participate in activities you normally enjoy or even to socialize with friends and family. Stress incontinence is when you lose urine when you cough, sneeze, lift something heavy, or otherwise put...
Buried penis is a relatively rare medical condition, usually diagnosed at birth. However, it can be acquired as an adult. It can cause both physical and psychological complications, but it’s also very treatable. Sometimes, discussing issues involving your sexual health can be very difficult. It’s important to seek the care...
Urethral stricture disease is a narrowing of the urethra. It generally affects only men, and is a fairly common issue. Men older than 55 are most at risk, and risk rises with age.Dr. Paul Chung and his highly qualified staff are experienced in diagnosing and treating urethral stricture disease. We recognize that...
Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is quite common. Experts disagree on the exact prevalence of ED, but it’s likely somewhere between 30% and perhaps as much as 75%. The good news is that there are very effective treatments available, and if you discuss it with your doctor, you’re likely to get help. Dr....
Urinary incontinence, or the involuntary loss of urine, can be an embarrassing problem, and one that affects your emotional and psychological well-being in addition to your physical health. It’s not an inevitable part of aging, either. There are treatments that can help. Dr. Paul Chung is an expert in treating men’s...
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), about 1 in every 100 men in the United States has been diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease. However, researchers believe the number may be much higher, perhaps as high as 1 in 10. Dr. Paul Chung is a highly qualified...
Experts estimate that about one in 50 men experience low testosterone. If you’ve ever heard of TD (Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome) or Low-T (Low Testosterone), you probably know some of the symptoms: low sex drive, fatigue, decreasing muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, and depression. Dr. Paul Chung helps men in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Cherry Hill, New...
No one expects they will develop erectile dysfunction, so most men are surprised when they have this problem. Dr. Paul Chung and the entire staff in our offices in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are here to help! Many of our patients have misconceptions regarding this condition. In...
The survival rate for prostate cancer is steadily improving, with the current 10-year survival rate is 98%. This is in large part due to better early detection, but also may be due to better surgical intervention. However, about 6-8% of men who have prostate surgery experience urinary incontinence, or leakage,...
Peyronie’s disease is the most common cause of penile pain, with around 4 in 100 men between the ages of 40 and 70 experiencing it. Aside from the pain involved, Peyronie’s disease can cause considerable stress and depression. Dr. Paul H. Chung is an expert in diagnosing and treating Peyronie’s...
Bedroom performance can be fickle. Now and then, you may have trouble getting or keeping an erection. But if the problem persists, don’t suffer in silence. Paul H. Chung, MD, is renowned for his expertise in the field of reconstructive urology and men’s health, and he helps men feel and...
Dr. Paul H. Chung discusses causes and treatment options for Erectile Dysfunction in this educational video. He is Director of Reconstruction, Prosthetics, and Trauma at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. He completed fellowship training in genitourinary reconstruction and is a specialist in the medical and surgical management of erectile...
Less patients prefer to receive a malleable or semi-rigid penile implant (AMS Tactra or Coloplast Genesis). However, this may be the best option for some patients who prefer a more straightforward device or have a history of complex abdominal surgery or kidney transplantation. The implant may be bent into the...
Dr. Paul H. Chung, MD is a fellowship-trained reconstructive urologist with a specialty focus on prosthestics for erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence. He is experienced with penile implants, urethral slings and artificial urinary sphincters for first-time surgical patients, patients who require a revision of an existing device and those who require replacement of a...
Are penile implants covered by insurance? Yes, penile implants are covered by Medicare and most private insurance plans. Dr. Chung’s office will work with your insurance company to conduct a thorough evaluation. Am I able to check coverage with my insurance company? Yes, you may also contact your insurance company...
What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a pathologic condition when a man cannot attain or maintain a penile erection sufficiently firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It is a common concern among men and affects about 50% of men aged 50 and above.1 Not only does ED...
What is erectile dysfunction (ED)? Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition when a man cannot obtain or maintain an erection firm enough for sufficient sexual intercourse. It is a common concern among men and affects about 50% of men aged 50 and above.1 Not only does ED affect our quality...
Dr. Paul H. Chung, MD co-directed the 3rd Annual Jefferson Urology Symposium in Philadelphia, PA. The Men's Health Forum was aimed at regional urologists interested in expanding their knowledge of urological issues. Topics included low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, BPH, urinary incontinence, and Peyronie's disease. Dr. Chung spoke on his experience...
Dr. Paul H. Chung, MD is a fellowship-trained reconstructive urologist with a specialty focus on prosthestics for erectile dysfunction and stress urinary incontinence. He is experienced with penile implants, urethral slings and artificial urinary sphincters for first-time surgical patients, patients who require a revision of an existing device and those...
Many people may find openly discussing one's sexual health issues to be challening and embarassing. Dr. Paul H. Chung, MD teamed up with JeffPEERS (People Empowered, Educated and Ready to Support) at Jefferson Hospital to provide a welcoming and supportive atmosphere to encourage men to take charge of their overall...
Dr. Paul H. Chung, MD was invited to moderate the reconstructive urology scientific session at the 77th Mid-Atlantic Section of the American Urological Association Annual Meeting. As a moderator, Dr. Chung set the tone for the program and ensured discussion was appropriate and educational. He also presented his work on...
Dr. Paul H. Chung, MD collaborates with urologists on an international level to learn the best and most up to date techniques for his patients. He was invited to speak at the the 39th Congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie in Athens, Greece. He discussed new urethroplasty techniques for urethral stricture...