When Should You Consider Surgical Treatments for Peyronie’s Disease?

Peyronie’s disease is far more common than most people realize, affecting as many as one in 11 men. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes it, although minor trauma and genetics may play a significant role.
Dr. Paul Chung, with two offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers several treatments for Peyronie’s disease. If you notice any of the signs or symptoms of the condition, it’s best to schedule an appointment quickly for the best outcome. You can expect thorough, expert care from a compassionate professional when you get treatment from Dr. Chung.
What happens when you have Peyronie’s disease?
When you have Peyronie’s disease, scar tissue (plaque) forms on the side of your penis, causing it to curve to one side. The curve can make penetration during sex difficult or impossible, and the disease can cause painful erections. This may also result in emotional distress and depression and affect interpersonal relationships.
The disease usually progresses in three stages. First the plaque begins to form suddenly, then there’s a period of active disease, and then a time of stabilization. You’re most likely to experience painful erections during the active disease phase, possibly due to inflammation.
In severe cases the plaque can become calcified and harden to a bone-like consistency. Once you reach the stabilization phase of the disease, the curvature of the penis stops changing and settles, and it’s possible the pain associated with an erection resolves.
However, depending on the extent of curvature, you may be unable to have penetrative sex. Unfortunately, some men experience erectile dysfunction due to the disease.
Treatments for Peyronie’s disease
Most of the time, Dr. Chung recommends the least invasive treatments first. For example, with Peyronie’s disease, he may suggest a combination of injections and manual modeling to break up the plaque. If that approach doesn’t yield the desired result, he may suggest a surgical intervention.
Several different surgical approaches may be used to correct Peyronie’s disease, and Dr. Chung may recommend one or a combination of techniques, depending on your particular situation.
One of the most common and simplest surgeries to correct Peyronie’s disease is plication. This involves stitching on the long side of your penis in order to straighten it. This is a quick surgery that requires very little recovery time.
Plaque removal
Another method is for Dr. Chung to remove the scar tissue causing the curve in order to straighten it. You may or may not need a graft on the area where the plaque is removed.
Penile implant
Sometimes, the best solution is to place a penile prosthesis to straighten your penis and help you maintain an erection. This is a more involved surgery and you may need a few weeks to recover.
Personalized treatment
Although we can give you general information about surgical treatments for Peyronie’s disease, it’s important to get advice in the context of your situation. Your health, the severity of your disease state, and many other factors are all important when it comes to developing a treatment plan that will be effective for you.
Dr. Chung always makes sure that you understand your options, and he’s happy to answer your questions. If you have symptoms of Peyronie’s disease, schedule an appointment today and find out what options are available.
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