When is a Penile Implant the Best Choice for Erectile Dysfunction?

Bedroom performance can be fickle. Now and then, you may have trouble getting or keeping an erection. But if the problem persists, don’t suffer in silence.
Paul H. Chung, MD, is renowned for his expertise in the field of reconstructive urology and men’s health, and he helps men feel and perform like their old selves again by restoring their ability to get and keep an erection, helping them to feel like themselves again. Several treatments are available, including penile implants. Here’s how to determine if this device might be right for you.
Coming to terms with erectile dysfunction
More than 30 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), and more and more of them are finding it easier to talk about. After all, sex is a key part of healthy life, and if things aren’t working well in that department, you can easily succumb to feelings of embarrassment, shame, or guilt. If you don’t address it, your ED can lead to depression, which in turn, can exacerbate your ED.
Now is the time to address your ED. Often, the root cause is simple and can be treated with a few lifestyle changes. Other times, it takes some intervention.
Where to seek help
As the flood of TV and social media content continues to increase the awareness of ED, more men are feeling comfortable seeking treatment — but where should you turn? It’s tempting to self-diagnose and purchase medications that promise to solve your sex life, but you may be treating yourself for a problem you don’t have. What’s worse, you may be ignoring a problem you do have.
ED can stem from several different sources, some physical, some psychological, and some environmental. Finding the right solution depends on finding the right cause.
Whatever’s behind your ED, we can help. Dr. Chung is discreet, professional, and highly skilled. He’s fellowship trained in genitourinary reconstruction and prosthetics, and is a respected professor with numerous published journal articles. If you live in or around the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or Cherry Hill, New Jersey areas, you have access to Dr. Chung, one of the leaders in the field.
When to consider a penile implant
When lifestyle changes and medications don’t improve your erections, it may be time to consider a penile implant. This requires a minor surgical procedure to place a device inside your penis so you can control your erections and flaccidity. Penile implants come in two main types:
- Inflatable penile implant that you manually pump up
- Malleable penile implant, which you bend into position
The time to think about getting a penile implant is when you’ve tried other more conservative treatments without much — or any — success. If you and Dr. Chung determine that you’re a good candidate for a penile implant, he guides you through your options to help you decide which type suits you best.
Do I need to try all ED treatment options before undergoing a penile implant
You do not need to try all ED treatment options before undergoing a penile implant. In fact, most insurance companies do not require that you exhaust all treatment options before receiving a penile implant. If you don’t want to take medications or suffer from bothersome side-effects, if you don’t want to use a vacuum device, or if you don’t want to use a needle to inject yourself, you don’t have to. A penile implant is an excellent option for many patients who are interested in having a spontaneous, reliable method to obtain an erection.
Benefits of a penile implant
While we understand that you might not relish the idea of having surgery on your most sensitive body parts, rest assured that you’re in good hands with Dr. Chung, who specializes in these procedures. And afterward, you can enjoy the many benefits of your new implant:
- Minimal recovery time (about a month)
- No one needs to know (your partner can’t tell you have it)
- Covered by most insurance
- Highly effective (up to 90% satisfaction rate)
Of course, the number one reason to choose a penile implant is that you’ll get your sex life back again.
What will a penile implant do and not do
Penile implants will put you back in control and allow you to have spontaneous erections that you can utilize for as long as you want to. Penile implants will not change the way you urinate, will not take away the pleasurable feeling of sex, and will not change your ability to ejaculate. Penile implants will not make your penis larger than it currently is, but Dr. Chung will ensure to maximize existing length and girth during the procedure.
If you’ve been suffering from erectile dysfunction, and nothing seems to work, it’s time to visit Dr. Paul H. Chung to get expert treatment, which may include a penile implant. We have two offices in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and one in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, to serve you. Call the location nearest you to set up a consultation with Dr. Chung.
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