What’s Causing You to Have a Buried Penis?

Buried penis is a relatively rare medical condition, usually diagnosed at birth. However, it can be acquired as an adult. It can cause both physical and psychological complications, but it’s also very treatable.
Sometimes, discussing issues involving your sexual health can be very difficult. It’s important to seek the care of a compassionate doctor who understands your situation. Dr. Paul Chung and his staff specialize in men’s health issues. We’ve successfully treated cases of buried penis before, and want you to know that there’s nothing for you to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about. We can help.
Buried or hidden
Sometimes buried penis is called hidden penis. When you have this condition, your penis is of a normal size, but is hidden under the skin of your abdomen, thigh, or scrotum. It’s sometimes caused by scrotal lymphedema, or swelling in your scrotum.
Buried penis can interfere with your ability to urinate or have an erection. It can lead to urinary tract infections, or infections in the skin around your genitals. If you’re uncircumcised, buried penis can cause the head of your penis to become inflamed.
You may also become depressed or experience low self esteem. Psychological issues aren’t unusual with this condition, but it may help to know that there are treatments.
Causes of buried penis
When it’s diagnosed in babies, buried penis is usually the result of a congenital issue. A baby may be born with weak ligaments connecting the penis to your pubic bone, or there may be too much scrotal skin attached to the tip of the penis.
In adults one of the most common causes of buried penis is due to fat building up in the areas around your penis. It can also be caused by inflammation or persistent infection. There’s an association between buried penis and obesity, but losing weight doesn’t resolve buried penis.
Treatments for buried penis
Dr. Chung can diagnose buried penis with a physical exam, so you don’t need to go through any complicated diagnostic tests. The best treatment depends on several different factors such as your age, your overall health, the underlying cause of the issue, and the condition of your penis.
Surgery is often the best option. In some cases, Dr. Chung may recommend removing fat above the penis, removing swelling in your penis or scrotum, repairing skin damage using a skin graft, or other procedures.
Dr. Chung’s recommendations are always based on your specific circumstances. Your situation is unique to you, and the treatment to help resolve your problem should be tailored to fit you.
If you’d like to learn more about the treatments available for buried penis, schedule a consultation with Dr. Chung at one of two locations in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The problem can be painful, lead to worsening quality of life, and you may feel embarrassed by it. Dr. Chung can help by explaining what’s going on and suggesting a way to fix it.
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