Is a Penile Implant the Best Choice for Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common sex-related issue that men report to their doctors, and it affects approximately 30 million men in the United States. While it most often affects men as they age, younger men certainly aren’t exempt from experiencing it. 

When you have ED, it means you have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection that’s satisfactory for sex. It’s normal to have trouble with sexual arousal on occasion, but when you can’t get an adequate erection regularly, ED is probably the culprit. 

Because ED is a widespread issue, countless treatment options are available. One of these options is a penile implant, and our team, led by Paul H. Chung, MD, FACS, at his practice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers this treatment along with other effective ED management choices.

In this month’s blog, we discuss how penile implants can address ED and when it might be the best option for treatment. 

Understanding penile implants

A penile implant is a surgically placed device that treats ED by helping you achieve and maintain a satisfactory erection. There are two types of implants, and Dr. Chung offers both:

Inflatable device

Inflatable penile implants consist of several parts: two cylinders, a pump, tubes, and a pouch of saline. The two cylinders are placed in your penis, and tubes connect them to a pump in your scrotum and a saline reservoir in your lower abdomen. All of these components are underneath the skin and are not visible to others. 

When you want an erection, you simply activate the pump in your scrotum, and the saline fills the cylinders in your penis, giving it the firmness you desire. Once the pump is activated, your penis will remain erect, even after having sex. To make your penis flaccid again, simply deactivate the pump. 

This type of implant is more natural and allows for spontaneous, predictable erections that last as long as the person desires.

Semi-rigid rods

With this penile implant, metal rods covered in silicone are surgically placed in your penis. This allows you to move your penis to an erect position whenever you like and push it back down after you’ve had sex. This implant doesn’t inflate or deflate your penis, and the amount of firmness is always the same. 

This implant is a good option for those with limited dexterity or those looking for a faster surgery and a shorter recovery.

Who qualifies for a penile implant?

You may be a good candidate for this surgical procedure if you meet the following qualifications:

It’s important to know that penile implant surgery is irreversible. To make room for the implant, much of the erectile tissue in your penis needs to be removed. So, after surgery, you’ll no longer be able to get an erection on your own. 

If Dr. Chung clears you for the procedure and you decide it’s something you’d like to do, know that penile implants have a very high success and satisfaction rate. In fact, it’s the most highly rated treatment for ED. 

To learn if a penile implant might be right for you, schedule a consultation with our team by calling our office or using our online booking feature today.

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